+233 (0) 509069660

My name is Michael Kinful

The Founder and Director of Jomelos Save Life Organization.

Jomelos Save Life organisation is committed to helping disadvantaged individuals and families, especially women and children. Registered as a legal entity with the Ghanaian corporate commission and the social welfare; and also registered with the Belgium government as VZW.

2000, I went back to Ghana to visit my family after many years of living abroad. During my stay in Ghana, I realised that many things had changed. I saw many children selling on the streets and some were even sleeping on the streets because they did not have shelter. The increased rate of child labor and the growing number of abused women, who were keeping quiet because they did not know their rights, touched me so much that it haunted me all the time.  

One day I met 7 year old Charity Boafo selling on the street and i decided to inquire about her and her family. Charity’s father died when she was 2 and her mother was at home suffering from elephantiasis.   Little Charity had to work for her mother’s friend for her school fees. This story changed my life; I decided to take care of her.  

One day, I read a passage in the bible in Isaiah 58:7-11 which say

“Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh………….”

After reading this passage, my passion did not only go to Charity but to thousands of children facing different challenges in Ghana and Africa as a whole. Living in poverty, having no proper education, being orphaned by the HIV/AIDS epidemic and many of them abandoned by their guardians.

I decided to send more children to school using my personal savings. This marked the beginning of JOMELOS. As years went by; Jomelos started investigating where the children were immigrating from. Most of the children came from villages where HIV/AIDS is high; their parents died and the family believed that it was a curse to go around the children. The selection is based on their need, intelligence and motivation the organisation does regular follow ups to check on their progress. Our staff or volunteers visit our adopted villages, talk with some family and some street children and the conversation will lead to accounts of horror in the life of the children. Either the father is dead or both parents and he doesn’t have a caretaker, or the parents are so poor and they can not take him to school, cloth them or give them good nutrition, Home.